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Class TCastleLine2D
type TCastleLine2D = class(TCastleLine2DBase)
A polyline consists of rectangles. Has different connection methods for rectangles, various options for the beginning and end of the line.
To enter edit mode, use "verb" (Edit mode ON) - right-click on the object in the object hierarchy window.
FTexY:single; |
Coefficient for correct texture mapping. Determines which part of the texture along the Y axis should be used. When TexCoordMode=cmLine is 1. When TexCoordMode=cmBeginEndLine is 0.5
FTexX:single; |
X-axis coefficient for correct texture mapping. Usually equal to (Texture height)/(Line width*Texture width)
procedure ChangedTransform; override; |
procedure AddGeometryBeginEnd(const BeginOrEnd:PBeginEndMode; var GList:TVector2List; const A,B,Opposite:TVector2); virtual; |
Add the geometry of the beginning and end of the line. A,B - the segment where the geometry is attached. Opposite - the geometry will be built in the opposite direction from this point. GList - you need to add geometry here. BeginOrEnd - pointer to TCastleLine2D.JoinBeginMode or to TCastleLine2D.JoinEndMode. Inherited classes should override the method if a new geometry needs to be added.
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; |
When created in the CGE editor, creates a line of two points. When creating directly in the code (RunTime), points are not added.
destructor Destroy; override; |
procedure ReLoad; override; |
function PropertySections(const PropertyName: String): TPropertySections; override; |
property JoinMode: TJoinMode read FJoinMode write SetJoinMode default jmBevel; |
Connection type for rectangles in a line
property JoinRoundPrecision: integer read FJoinRoundPrecision write SetJoinRoundPrecision default 4; |
The number of segments in the circle sector when JoinMode=jmRound
property JoinSharpLimitRad: single read FJoinSharpLimitRad write SetJoinSharpLimitRad default 0; |
With this or a smaller angle between the lines, an acute angle is not built. Used when JoinMode=jmSharp
property JoinBeginMode: TBeginEndMode read FBeginMode write SetBeginMode default bmNone; |
The type of the beginning of the line
property JoinEndMode: TBeginEndMode read FEndMode write SetEndMode default bmNone; |
The type of the end of the line
property LineWidth: Single read FLineWidth write SetLineWidth default 10; |
Line width
property JoinTexCoordMode: TJoinTexCoordMode read FJoinTexCoordMode write FJoinTexCoordMode default jcmCrop; |
The method for calculating texture coordinates on line bends. When JoinMode=jmSharp is not used.
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