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All Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Unit Description
TCastleLine2D CastleLine2D

A polyline consists of rectangles. Has different connection methods for rectangles, various options for the beginning and end of the line.
To enter edit mode, use "verb" (Edit mode ON) - right-click on the object in the object hierarchy window.

TCastleLine2DBase CastleLine2DBase

Base class for shapes that are defined by a set of vertices Points. Inherited classes should override the ReLoad method.) A property editor is provided for the Points vertex set It is also possible to edit a set of vertices from the CGE editor window. To enter edit mode, use "verb" (Edit mode ON) - right-click on the object in the object hierarchy window.

TCastleLine2DGizmos CastleLine2DGizmos

Geometry for editing descendants of TCastleLine2DBase in the CGE
editor Left mouse button - to double the point, move the point
Right mouse button - delete the point
Middle mouse button - open a window to edit the point
To enter edit mode, use "verb" (Edit mode ON) - right-click on the object in the object hierarchy window.

TCastlePolygon2D CastlePolygon2D

A potentially non-convex polygon. It is constructed from a set of vertices using the triangulation method.
To enter edit mode, use "verb" (Edit mode ON) - right-click on the object in the object hierarchy window.

TPointEditor UPointEditor

A class for an editing window for a single point (vertex) TCastleLine2DBase.Points[i] from the CGE editor. The window for editing is called by clicking the middle mouse button on the selected point in the JCE editor.

TPointsEditor UPointsEditor

The class contains methods for creating and calling a window for editing a set of points (vertices) TCastleLine2DBase.Points in the object inspector.

TStringGridWithOnPasteFromClipboard UPointsEditor

This class augmented with an event that fires after pasting from the clipboard. Used in TPointsEditor

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